Board Game Hell's Lantern Year 8!

Board Game Hell's Lantern Year 8!

Eight years in, and each year we grow stronger!

First of all: Thank you everyone! All the work I've done so far couldn't have been possible without your support and feedback. I really appreciate it.


I have found it challenging to collect reviews from people (and the old reviews lost in the store update), but those of you who have shared a few words, have been very supportive and inspiring. I'll work hard to keep it that way. Thank you very much!




Our in-house print products are today better than ever

The very first in-house printed book was the original Hobo's Deluxe Settlement Book™ in 2022. It was a huge, ambitious project, unlike anything I had done before.

While it was a high-risk move, I was confident. All the hard work paid off when it turned out to be an instant success. That made it possible to plan ahead and continue towards more professional printing.

And today, there have been THREE full books already that (at least I) have never seen anywhere before made for a board game! Crazy years!

And just a friendly reminder: None of our printed items are made in Chinese factories. I make each and every copy by hand myself and want them to be the highest quality possible. Working this way is slow, hard-labour and expensive, but I believe it's worth it — it's a game we all love, after all! (Thank you, Mr. Poots!)





Extras transformed into their stunning final version!

The prototype Patron Silk Chiton – BGH Promo Pack is now redesigned to its final form. Some minor tweaks are possible, but I'm quite happy with it already.

This pack will be included in each Hobo's Legendary Settlement Book II™ Early Patron Special Edition. It may become available at a later point, but that is not guaranteed (and it certainly will not have the resources, armor, etc. printed in the regular book).


I am dead serious about the products I create

As a Finn, I value discussions on design, usability, and product quality — elements that define our reputation.

When we release a new item for pre-order, I always look forward to investing some of the income in better tools, software, and supplies. This will help us take the next step in quality and the innovations they make possible.

We have come a long way from the beginning. Nowadays most of our tools are the highest grade in the industry already, which really shows on the products. Everyone wins!



...And not only the tools, the new content is a crucial investment too

The new upcoming Hobo's Settlement Book II™ will cover a wide range of the game's content. Instead of relying on online sources, I decided to "keep it real" and invest in physical copies. This way, I can also play with them whenever possible.

So I dig in, and ordered quite a bunch of promos and mini-expansions from KDM Shop. They finally arrived this month.


Kingdom Death Promos and Expansions

After all taxes and customs, there's nearly a $1k worth pile of Kingdom Death promos and extras with game content waiting to be added to the new book! I share this just to show you that I really am serious about my work. No kidding.


Game content covered more than ever, anywhere

Our upcoming Hobo's Settlement Book II™ will include dozens (if not hundreds!) of items and concepts from the large expansions, small expansions, promos, add-ons, and our own BGH promos and add-ons, in addition to the vast Kingdom Death Core game and Gambler's Chest Expansion! 

The book is going be large, both in content and size. For those who are still on the fence, I can't stress enough that it will only get better from here. 

The prototypes are already nice, yes, but many new features will be added as the design process continues (and, unfortunately, the final book may not be the cheapest one out there, due to hundreds of hours of work it takes, but we'll see). 

While we celebrate Board Game Hell's 8th birthday, we would love to gift you some super-cool pin buttons!

(And, by the way, also these are made with the highest quality German-made tools, if that matters. Not with those Chinese plastic "tools". These bad boys are durable, and can make it through the Darkness.)




New old item

I realized that the Death Kimono mini promo from our Black Friday BGH Scrap Bag™ (2023) is now featured in two books, so I decided to create it as an independent card pack.

This is stripped version of the original, including only the four game cards. 

You can pre-order it here: Death Kimono – BGH Card Pack (2025).



A word about all the annoying delays... 

As you may have seen, many products have been delayed to varying degrees before they are ready to be shipped. I will try to move the estimations forward to better meet expectations.

I am truly sorry about this, but as a small business, there are always things that can't be foreseen. Right now, we have been waiting for a few weeks to receive the necessary inks from the supplier, as they had problems obtaining them in the first place.

Looks like we'll get them on next week, and can continue printing.  

So I'm kindly asking for your patience and to consider the release estimations as "rough estimates," which will likely be pushed back a bit.

I don't like it either, and it really stresses me out, but after all, we are not your local everyday game store with mass-produced items. All products are expensive to make, so they are printed in small batches to meet current demand.

Luckily we usually have some copies ready, like the character sheets and other smaller stuff.

Thank you for your patience, and my sincere apologies for all the delays.


Thank you for visiting, and have a great time while struggling through the Darkness!

— Olli
The designer & shopkeeper


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